John Brooks, president of BRINC Building Products, Inc., was recognized by Builder Magazine as a HIVE 50 honoree in the category of Building Technology for his development of ThermalBuck.
ThermalBuck, a high-performance window buck, is a simple solution for the challenges of mounting nail flange windows with exterior insulation.
It’s unique L-shaped design goes inside the rough openings for windows and doors, and extends outward to create a flush plane with exterior insulation and/or rainscreens.
ThermalBuck is made of a type XIV high density EPS, and coated in a waterproof resin. Not only does it have the compressive and shear strength to handle the weight of large, high-performance windows, but it also insulates the rough opening with an R-value of 4.4 per inch, to limit thermal bridging. It also simplifies flashing, and creates an additional air & water barrier in the building envelope.
To learn more about ThermalBuck, take a look at our media coverage and recognition here.
HIVE – “Transforming the Conversation around Housing”
The HIVE Conference was initiated in 2016 by Hanley Wood, a premier marketing and media company in the residential and commercial construction industry. The two-day event takes place in California, and provides a unique opportunity to bring together a diverse group of talents to address the challenges in housing. Attendees include architects, builders, land developers, community planners, dealers and distributors, developers, manufacturers, policy makers, and more.
“The second annual HIVE Conference is shaping up to be our most ambitious and energizing event yet.”
-Peter Goldstone, CEO, Hanley Wood
The 2017 conference took place December 6th & 7th in downtown Los Angeles, at the Intercontinental hotel. It featured speakers such as Chip Conley, head of global hospitality and strategy, Airbnb, and Steve Case, chairman and CEO, Revolution LLC; co-founder, America Online; and author The Third Wave.
We appreciate the nomination of John Brooks for his development of ThermalBuck, and the recognition of how impactful this new building material technology is to the residential construction industry.
The HIVE 50 are considered the top people, products, and processes that are influencing innovation and high performance technology in the housing industry.
The HIVE 50 nominees and winners are featured in the December 2017 issue of Builder Magazine, ten nominees in each of five categories: Building Technology, Capital, Design, and Strategy.
Fellow nominees that share the Building Technology with John Brooks, include notable building science veteran Joe Lstiburek, Founding Principal of Building Science Corporation, and CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk.
For a complete listing of all nominees for the HIVE 50 in each of the five categories, please visit builderonline.com.
Hanley Wood has focuses it’s business in three main areas: research, media, and marketing. It’s most recognizable media brands include Builder magazine, Architect magazine, and Remodeling magazine. In the conference realm, Greenbuild, ProSales, and JLC Live are just a few of their well known and respected events in the industry. To maintain the conversation with the HIVE community year-round, visit hiveforhousing.com.